Automotive Industry

Instrumentation for the Automotive Industries

Innovative Automation has a long history of R&D.  When we started the company in 2000, we focused primarily on engineering as well as R&D projects.  Taking a chance on something new is very much in our DNA as a technologically root firm.  Our customers would turn to us after talking to more conventional automation companies in the industry about a new development project they were hoping bring to fruition.  There they were often told that their project was impractical if not impossible.  In many instances, we have taken these impossible projects and made them possible.

 Taking a chance on something new is very much in our DNA as a technologically root firm.  Our customers would turn to us after talking to more conventional automation companies in the industry about a new development project they were hoping bring to fruition.  There they were often told that their project was impractical if not impossible.  In many instances, we have taken these impossible projects and made them possible.

Automotive Segments

Produce appealing components and dependable systems with the efficiency that automakers want.

Ensure that alternative and traditional fuels are safe, accurate, flowing, and of good quality.

In high-volume manufacturing, cost reductions and efficiency gains can have a major influence  

Increase productivity, decrease downtime, and ensure high-quality products throughout the tire 

Upgrade Your Automotive Manufacturing Processes with These Solutions

The automotive industry is one of the most important economic drivers. As a manufacturer, you attempt to create high-quality components and automobiles in a fast-paced, trend-driven environment. Emerson assists you in increasing your efficiency and flexibility so that you can stay on schedule and on budget.A significant automotive supplier improved the quality control of its brake lines by adding automation to its air-testing machines.

The facility where hydrocarbons are split and separated from naphtha or other raw materials to make main petrochemicals is known as an ethylene plant.
Ethylene, propylene, and other petrochemicals are produced by distilling refined petroleum or gas several times.

The industrial process of refining crude oil into fuel oil and various petrochemicals is known as petroleum refining.
An oil refinery is made up of many facilities that produce goods from raw materials and utilities.