The antithesis of discrete manufacturing is process manufacturing. Discrete manufacturing employs a bill of materials (BOM) and follows instructions to make finished, assembled goods, whereas process manufacturing follows recipes or formulas and produces things that cannot be broken down at the end of the production cycle. The completed product can be broken down into its unique elements at the end of the discrete manufacturing process, which can occasionally be recycled. Automobiles, computers, and various toys are examples of discrete manufacturing products.
The completed product can be broken down into its unique elements at the end of the discrete manufacturing process, which can occasionally be recycled. Automobiles, computers, and various toys are examples of discrete manufacturing products.
Chemical Segments
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A strategic choice for improving chemical and petrochemical process performance
In chemical and petrochemical industrial operations, pressure measurement is employed in a variety of ways (distillation columns, reactors, separators etc.). These applications operate in highly corrosive environments and operate across a wide temperature and pressure range (chlorine, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid etc.). During absolute, relative, or differential pressure measurements, information on level, flow, and density is obtained in real time. Our equipment’s high dependability and measuring accuracy will boost the efficiency of your process and assure optimal availability.
Monomeric vinyl chloride (CVM) is primarily utilised in the manufacturing of polyvinyl chloride (through polymerization) (PVC). CVM is a colourless organic gas at room temperature. It’s a very volatile chemical that’s difficult to dissolve in water.
Butadiene is a synthetic rubber with a high abrasion resistance that is commonly made and used. It’s blended with other rubbers, extruded, and vulcanised into elastic rubber using roller mills or extruders.