Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Instrumentation for the HVAC

An HVAC system is a collection of different types of equipment that are built together to heat and cool, regulating the indoor climate. HVAC systems provide mechanical, electrical and I&C components to provide comfort to the occupants of a building/space or to store objects, products or items within a space.HVAC cooling systems can be combined with or mounted separately depending on the design of the HVAC. HVAC system also used in the industrial manufacturing sector to keep the machinery running by maintaining the operating temperature of the machineries.


With the support of return ducts, air is pumped through supply ducts and return air is stored in air handling systems. Chilled water and cooling water pumps provide energy to keep the cooling water flowing. Different types of air conditioning systems (also known as types of HVAC systems) have been developed in the most economical and energy-efficient way to meet HVAC demands in various applications.

HVAC Segments

Produce appealing components and dependable systems with the efficiency that automakers want.

Ensure that alternative and traditional fuels are safe, accurate, flowing, and of good quality.

In high-volume manufacturing, cost reductions and efficiency gains can have a major influence  

Increase productivity, decrease downtime, and ensure high-quality products throughout the tire 

Upgrade Your HVAC Processes with These Solutions

HVAC systems are classified as either stand-alone units or central systems. A unit package describes a single device that converts a primary energy source (electricity or
gas) and provides final heating and cooling of the conditioned space. Examples independent unit packages include rooftop HVAC systems, room air conditioners, and air-to-air heat pumps

Adopting technology that improves day-to-day operations opens up huge opportunities for energy savings and improved performance. An engineered approach to optimizing the distribution of chilled water and air allows your systems to more efficiently respond to demand and deliver energy where it’s needed – all without compromising savings or building comfort.

HVAC optimization involves automatically controlling HVAC systems that produce the required heating and cooling at an energy-efficient level. It goes beyond resets or traditional fixed points and proportional integrals and derivatives. Optimization solutions should measure system input (ie electricity, gas, water) and system output (ie heating, cooling, airflow, water flow) and use this information to operate the system in real-time.